
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Neophyte Recordings - Peter Every - Coventry Recordings

Neophyte Recordings - Peter Every - Cov Recordings

Got a message from Peter Every - Course Leader - Creative Computing Degrees

Department of Computing and the Digital Environment
Coventry University

"I'm enjoying your pages as a research resource as I'm trying to write a memoir of the bands and acts I have played in or recorded since the late 70's.

People that I've played with that you've featured include Kevin Harrison (in Neo and Urban Terrorists), Steve Edgson - sad :-( Marc Byers, Roddy Byers and, unbelievably, I worked as sound engineer in residence at the Holyhead Youth Centre between 1982(?) and 84-85.

Anyway - just wanted to let you know that I've recently started releasing material again (for free) which you can find here:

The next release will be by the 'Neophyte Steppers' and will include contributions from Kevin Harrison and Panjabi MC.

You can visit Peter's site above - On it it says -

In 1985 it was difficult and expensive to record, release and distribute music. Today it is stupidly easy. So why haven't we been doing it then? It's a bit of a long story ... so check out our history.

The albums available from this site are released under creative commons (except where stated). Please feel free to share or remix the work but please keep the original attributions. If you intend to make money with it then let us know or stuff will happen.

You will find info on Kevin Harrison's Marze Imprints on here too.

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